Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Character Building Society (CBS), Institute of MMG to Organize E-Poster Competition
Character Building Society (CBS), Institute of MMG to Organize E-Poster Competition

The Character Building Society of Institute of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics (CBS-MMG) is organizing “E-POSTER COMPETITION 2022”. This competition is open to all the currently enrolled students in various departments/institutes/centers of University of the Punjab. The theme of the competition is related to “CORRUPTION”. This will help students to raise awareness against corruption present in different forms in the society. This competition will allow students to showcase their creativity and graphic designing skills and to win certificates and cash prizes. Last date for registration is 15th July, 2022 students can register through the online form link given on CBS-MMG Instagram and Facebook pages ( The competition will take place on 16th July, 2022. The participants will get 24 hours to submit posters i.e., on 17th July, 2022. The submission should be according to the guidelines given on CBS social media pages. The results will be announced in and online concluding ceremony that will take place on 20th July, 2022.