Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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Inauguration of 400 kW Solar System Installation at Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology
Inauguration of 400 kW Solar System Installation at Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology

Lahore, May 31, 2024 – The Centre of Excellence in Molecular Biology (CEMB) at the University of the Punjab marked a significant milestone today with the inauguration of a state-of-the-art 400 kW solar system installation. The ceremony was graced by the presence of Dr. Khalid Mahmood, Vice Chancellor of the University of the Punjab, who led the inauguration.

Dr. Khalid Mahmood highlighted the university's commitment to sustainability and renewable energy. The event was attended by several esteemed guests, including Prof. Dr. Shahid Baig, Dean Health Sciences Academy. Board of Governor members present at the ceremony included Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ali Shah (T.I, H.I), Dr. Raja Razi ul Hasnain, Secretary of the Pakistan Science Foundation, Prof. Dr. Naeem Rashid from the School of Biological Sciences at the University of the Punjab, Dr. Mazhar Iqbal (T.I) from NIBGE, and Prof. Dr. Wasim Shehzad from UVAS Lahore.

Director CEMB Dr. Moazur Rahman, expressed his gratitude to the centre’s administration and the faculty for their unwavering support. He detailed the technical aspects of the solar system, which is expected to cover a substantial portion of the CEMB's energy needs and underscored the long-term benefits of such green initiatives.

Senior faculty members and researchers from various departments attended the event. The successful installation of the solar system marks a significant step forward in the Centre's journey towards sustainability and innovation.