Estb. 1882

University of the Punjab

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CSAS Organized Webinar in Observance of International Day to Counter Islamophobia
CSAS Organized Webinar in Observance of International Day to Counter Islamophobia

In Observance of International Day to combat Islamophobia, the Centre for South Asian Studies (CSAS), University of the Punjab, Lahore, in collaboration with Paigham-E-Pakistan organized a One Day Webinar on Saturday, March 15, 2025. Dr. Muhaimin from the Department of Islamic and Religious Studies at the University of Haripur-KPK, was the Keynote Speaker at the occasion. He delivered lecture on “The Root Causes of Islamophobia: Analysis & Remedies”. The Guest Speaker said that Islamophobia is a kind of fear & prejudice that leads to provocation and intolerence towards Muslims, both online & offline. He highlighted the concept of Orientalism and explained how the threat of Islamophobia eventually led to the foundation of cultural fault- lines on a global scale. Dr. Muhaimin emphasized that we as Muslims have forgotten our role to counter this threat. He was of the view that unless the social media is used for positive purposes, unless we start caring the basic human rights and unless we initiate embracing others, nothing concrete will work. We as individuals need to contribute in bringing people and societies together. The Guest Speaker gave references from Quran, Sunnah, Ahadith & Allama Iqbal' s poetry. Dr. Muhaimin highlighted that the threat of Islamophobia has developed as an intricate phenomenon that needs to be understood from the outlook where West stands in contrast with the East. Therefore, it is very much pertinent to comprehend and analyse who is responsible for widening the gap between West and East? He said that this fact is the tragic reality the we have forgotten the teachings of Islam and that necessitates to be comprehended in its true letter and spirit. He was of the view that as Muslims, it is our responsibility to remove the trust defecit between West and East. Dr. Muhaimin appreciated the Director CSAS, Prof. Dr. Naheed S. Goraya, to arrange Webinar on this imporatnt day. In the end, Dr. Goraya said that the intolerence against a certain religion was accentuated with the rise of Muslim immigartion in multi-cultural societies. However, Islamophobia has thus been both slackly defined and largely applied . The Director CSAS emphasized that faith-base radicalization needs to be shunned. She said that the Holy Prophet (PBUH) was the first Peace Builder and Peace Educator. His life & teachings are the guiding principles for building a peaceful society. The Webinar was followed by Q & A.